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maxim317Дата: Воскресенье, 16.09.2007, 20:12 | Сообщение # 1
Клуб неанонимных алкоголиков
Группа: Admin
Сообщений: 6788
Репутация: 131
Статус: Offline
example of resume/CV:

1. Nick - maxim317
2. How long are you playing ТМ? - 1,5 year
3. Were you in another team? - No or Yes - SWRT, bioXzr
4. What time (in CET)can you happen in the game? - 4-5 hours
5. How often do you come into game? - Every day
6. Which squad do you want to join? - major or junior or united or speed

Personal information:
1. Real name - Maxim
2. Age - 23
3. Country, City - Russia, Moscow
4. What for/why have you decided to join our team? - Nice and strong team
5. Are you agree with introduction conditions? - yes
6. What would you wish to be engaged in the team? - Play and win

не курю с 21 июня 2011

Сообщение отредактировал _Tanushka_ - Суббота, 20.10.2007, 04:00
ISRAlexДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 16:52 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: User
Сообщений: 4
Репутация: 2
Статус: Offline
1. Nick - [ISR]Alex*
2. How long are you playing ТМ? - Don't really remember.. after NC1.. so 3 years I think.. with rather big breaker in the middle..
3. Were you in another team? - No or Yes - RTMF,Blitz# and other unknown clans, Captain of Israeli team in NC3 and NC4.. and opening player in NC2..
4. What time (in CET)can you happen in the game? - depends.. i'm a student.. so about.. 7-10
5. How often do you come into game? - Changes.. everyday.. every other day..
6. Which squad do you want to join? - major

Personal information:
1. Real name - Alex
2. Age - 19
3. Country, City - Israel, Ashdod
4. What for/why have you decided to join our team? - Play and Practice with good players
5. Are you agree with introduction conditions? - yes
6. What would you wish to be engaged in the team? - Play and win

maxim317: Принят! Добро пожаловать в Imperial Residents!

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